
中国范儿157 三亚:中国最南端的千年古城

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



Sanya, formerly known as Yazhou located on the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, harbors a long history and rich culture. As long backas the Qin Shihuang period, Yazhou was one of the three southern prefectures, often referred to as the “end of the earth". In ancient times, it was a quiet place for relegated officials and exiled prisoners becauseit was so far away from the imperial capital. But today it is a tourist resort, boasting of high-rise buildings, airports, stations and busy ports. 

Most of Sanya’s urban construction is centered around the port. In the Song Dynasty, Sanya was the transit station of the "Maritime Silk Road”from where Chinese porcelain was transported overseas and spices from the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf arrived here. Since ancient times, the local residents have depended on fishing and shipping. Sanya port, Nanshanport and other major ports are witness to the development of Sanya’s shipping industry. At the same time, Sanya also serves as the base of the Chinese Navy, allowing Navy officers and soldiers to defend the motherland’smaritime border.
Nowadays, Sanya has become a famous tourist city in China. It has tropical coastal landscape characteristics, long summer and no winter,pleasant climate and is known as a "natural greenhouse” with forest coverage rate as high as 64%. In China, its quality of air is often ranked first. It is a good place to stay away from cold and summer heat and isan ideal vacation spot all year round. Tianya Haijiao scenic spot and Yazhou ancient city are renowned sites. The intoxicating mix of the sea breeze and splashing waves at the beach make Sanya a favored tourist spot.

Sanya is also rich in intangible cultural heritage resources which are widely distributed. Among them, the Li people’s firewood danceand Yacheng folk song have made it to the national intangible cultural heritage protection project records. Here, intangible cultural heritage collides with modern international tourism services, injecting vitality into Sanya’scultural tourism industry, enriching the cultural connotation of international tourism island, promoting the integrated development of national culture and tourism and setting up a new coordinate of Sanya International TourismIsland.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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